There are dissections in school for us to be able to see a real life picture of the different systems. If we didn’t have dissections, all of our visions of the different systems would be in 2-D. Dissection helps us understand how different animals are compared to each other, and dissections show how different their bodies are. It could also help us students with any future job that we want. If somebody was a veternarian, they couldn’t just walk in and give an animal a surgery without training. That would would most likely kill animal. These are my reasons that dissections are needed.
Category Archives: 8th Grade Science
Semester Project
I learned….that a napkin can burn faster than most types of paper. The napkin only took 19 seconds while others took 22 seconds to 1 minute and 5 seconds.
I liked….the color of the flame once it finally caught on fire. The flame would turn green once lit.
I wish I knew more about….the different types of paint. Some paints might be more flammable or thinner.
The Superior Great Lake!!:)
The Superior Great Lake is bigger than all of the other lakes combined. Lake Superior’s basin was formed over one billion years ago by tectonic forces. Lava escaped around the edges of a large plateau, causing it to collapse and form a basin that solidified over time. This “Superior Basin” was then later filled with water during the glacial periods which filled the basin when the glaciers retreated northwards. The Lake Superior is being expanded over time by rift valleys. I think eventually Lake Superoir will merge with othe Great Lakes. Thus forming one big Great Lake.
The Big Bang Theory? WRONG!!
Everyone has heard of the Big Bang Theory. There was supposedly an
explosion and BAM the universe was created. Well for us Christians, here is
where most scientists are wrong. God has the power to do anything. Even if the Big
Bang Theory is right, where did the large mass come from that “so called”
exploded? It had to have come from somewhere. I have researched this and many scientists
have converted to Christianity while studying the Big Bang Theory. This proves
that the Big Bang Theory is wrong and God is the answer for the creation of the
What Really happens in a Chemical Reaction???
When you think of chemical reactions, you make think of explosives and beakers
bursting with bubbles. Well there are many signs of chemical reactions. Such
as: color and temperature changes, bubbles forming, odors, exploding, etc. The
reason for the change of color is oxidation. Oxidation is the loss of at least
one electron when two or more substances interact. Here are some examples: leaves
turn brown, orange, and red in the autumn. Or iron turns to rust when water and
oxygen touch the metal. Also, fruit can spoil. The reason for temperature is in an endothermic reaction, it takes more energy to break the bonds of the
reactants than is released when the bonds in the products are formed. In an
endothermic reaction, the temperature goes down. Gases form when some chemicals
are mixed and the “bubbles” float to
the top and sometimes flow over the container. That is my reasoning for what
really happens in a chemical reaction.
Why Lab Safety???
Why is lab safety and lab equipment important to learn about you ask? Well if you don’t know the rules of the lab, it could be a life or death situation!
There are many chemicals in a science lab such as: acid, mercury, chlorine, etc. Instead of putting your nose to the container and taking a big breath of the chemical, you could waft, or wave your hand above the container and take a small sniff.
If a you are heating a test tube above a Bunsen burner, you need to use a test tube holder. That way you don’t burn your fingers. Also, as it is heating up, point away from your partners.
Don’t bother you classmates near you. They could spill something and get seriously injured!
Pay attention in the lab or Karma with get you!!